Curious what others thought of the 'Going with that banana' booklet? Then quickly read on...
According to Ineke from @wonderlandbyaliceblog :
Do you also have toddlers who sit at the table with long teeth when there is something healthy on their plate? With this cool cardboard book, kids get to know green friends in a completely different way. Because secretly those superheroes are…
Fruit and vegetables play the leading role in this bright yellow cardboard booklet. Meet Lola Banana, the peas, Robby raspberry and Teddy Tomato. They became crazy figures with bright colors and super powers. Spring carrots, headbanging broccoli or acrobatic berries. Smooth texts in rhyme not only teach you to name fruit and vegetables, they also guide you through colors, shapes, numbers and character traits. Because these main characters (with cool names) are tasty, healthy, educational and above all hilarious.
HÖNGRY is a brand created by Mathieu & Bieke, who develop stories and products to introduce children to healthy fruit and vegetables in a positive, creative and imaginative way, far away from (discussions) at the kitchen table. Original, funny and cheerful!
Credit photo: Wonderlandbyaliceblog
According to Sarah @Reading ahead children :
Going with that banana' is a wonderfully colorful cardboard book for enthusiastic little hands!
Each double page depicts a cheerful piece of fruit or vegetable that tells something about itself in rhythmic rhyming. In addition, the shadow of the healthy snack and the correct color are also shown.

Giving hugs is his superpower.
It'll be fine, he whispers.
There's nothing you can't do.”
This booklet offers different ages in a different fun way: the little ones recognize different types of fruit and vegetables, slightly older children count with the berries or name the colors and even later they will probably laugh with Freddie Broccoli, Robby Raspberry or Tilly Carrot.
(And when you're eight, the best thing is of course reading this book to your sweet two-year-old nephew.😍♥️)
A nice sturdy book that convinces with its simplicity and cheerfulness! ✨
By Papa Maxim @de_boekenplank_van_papa :
📖 Lola Banaan likes to introduce her healthy friends in this booklet! Each fruity or green buddy has its own character traits, for example Mimi watermelon is a lady with spirit and Robby Raspberry needs to blow off some steam now and then!
This delightful little book introduces you to the healthy gang through juicy little rhymes with colorful illustrations and with a great sense of humour. So don't expect a big story here, but an introduction to the fruit and vegetables, their colors, shapes and properties.
All this comes in a nice and sturdy cardboard booklet, Isaakje is already starting to hold it and his mouth is watering at the sight of all those goodies! And just suck, and just drool! Look, I already call that first introduction with vegetables and fruit a success! His new heroes: tomato, carrot, banana, blueberries, peas, raspberry, broccoli, eggplant and watermelon!
And this is exactly what Mathieu and Bieke, founders of HÖNGRY, strive for: make vegetables and fruit just as cool as rocking knights and graceful salsa dancers! On to a positive connection with all that green from an early age!
Highly recommended for children aged 1-4 with an appetite for more! Or younger, but especially interested in the colors and drooling on the beautiful illustrations 😬🤣
This booklet is the introduction to these heroes, the booklet “Brock 'n roll” introduces some juicy stories, but more on that later! Oh yeah, be sure to check out their clothing line, too! 😍
According to Elise Kleuver @kinderboekenhoekje :
In this booklet Lola banana and her fruit and vegetable friends are introduced to you. Have you ever looked at the beautiful colors and funny shapes of fruit and vegetables? This booklet will make you look at these healthy friends differently!

𝘔𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨: This sturdy cardboard book is full of cheerful colors and striking illustrations. The structure is simple, making it a very suitable book for young children. On each left page is the piece of fruit or vegetable with a funny fantasy story of four sentences, in which the characters are introduced. The right page shows the silhouette of the fruit or vegetable, along with the color. This way you can also practice with the colors with your toddler!
This booklet feels a bit like a round of introductions from Lola and her friends and is therefore not a running story. This is fine for the youngest children, but the characters are so nice that I myself am curious about the adventures they will experience. So I hope more books will be released! (On the Höngry website I see a picture book about Freddie broccoli, which seems like a real story to read to me)
𝘍𝘶𝘯 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘵: Höngry aims to introduce children to fruit and vegetables in a cheerful and imaginative way. That should work with this nice book! At least my son is excited.
By Ruth @kiekeboeks :
A children's book as it should be: cheerful figures, beautiful colors and sturdy pages with nice rhymes ❤️
Applicable for both our children: for our Jannes (1.5 yrs) an introduction to the colors and names of fruit and vegetables, for us Tille (3 yrs) the fun matching stories, recognizing the shapes and colors and discussing " is it Mimi Melon or Beloen?" and "is Robby Raspberry red or pink?!" 🙈🙈🙈

It really appeals, nice to be able to immediately pay attention to healthy food in such a playful way ❤️ Thank you @hongryofficial ..
By the way, our Tille's favorite is Tilly Wortel! Every time it's "hey that's me!" followed by "I don't have green hair" 😂
PS: they also have really super nice other stuff and really cool clothes, they are already on the wish lists with this 😅🤩🥰

Completely sold and would you also like to go with that banana?